Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1What is the weight limit?
The Air-Matt manual states a weight limit of 1,000 lbs for Single Patient Use (SPU) matts, and 1,200lbs. for Reusable matts. To our knowledge, less than a handful of patients in the world exceed this weight. There is a physical size limit for each mattress. Once the patient is wider than the normal mattress, a bariatric size mattress should be used. The surface such as the bed or gurney does have a weight limit and those should not be exceeded.
2How do you clean the mattress?
In general, you will use the same procedure already in place for cleaning hospital mattresses. In addition, you may launder the Air-Matt mattress in the hospital laundry and follow the CDC compliant guidelines in our cleaning instructions.
3What sizes do you offer?
In both Disposable and Reusable mattresses, we offer OR table, regular, large and bariatric mattresses. The OR table is 28×78 inches, the regular is 34×78 inches, the standard bariatric is 39×78 inches and the large bariatric is 50×78 inches. We also offer shorter disposable mattresses for labor & delivery, gynecological and special procedures. These are 34×48 inches and 39X48 inches.
4Is the mattress a sterile device and if so, how do you sterilize it?
To the best of our knowledge, none of the air-assisted transfer systems on the market are sterile devices and cannot be sterilized.
5How much does a system cost and how much just for the mattress?
The Air-Matt system is priced differently than others on the market. Our mattresses are designed to work with any manufacturers system components (e.g. air-supplies). This includes Hovermatt, Arjo-huntleigh, EZ Way, Air Movement Technologies and Airpal. Other manufacturer’s equipment may also be compatible. The mattress price depends on which size you order but our sales team or your local distributor would be happy to provide you a quote.
6How do you get the Air-Matt under the patient?
Ideally, the patient is already on the mattress because it was on their hospital bed or gurney when they were first admitted to the hospital. If however, you need to place it under a patient, just use the standard log roll technique used for changing bed sheets to roll them onto their side as you place the Air-Matt mattress on the bed. The log roll technique is described in detail in the Air-Matt user manual.
7Can the patient be left on the mattress and for how long?
Air-Matt is designed to be left under the patient according to your hospital's policies. Leaving the matt under the patient is optional, and it may be removed with a simple log roll procedure. The Air-Matt should be placed directly on the bed mattress and covered with hospital bed linen providing a breathable comfortable surface in contact with the patient. This keeps the Air-Matt mattress concealed until it is inflated for a transfer. If a patient has skin ulcers, injury or potential for skin tearing, an air-assisted transfer matt is the only comfortable way to transfer a patient.
8How many would I need for my hospital?
The overall objective is to have enough product available so that it is easy for staff to practice safe patient handling and the result will be a reduction in worker injury. Several factors will determine usage, including your hospital's own policies, but there is no safe manual transfer. For reusable matts, facilities may start with one for every gurney in the facility so that every transport employs safe patient handling. Each department should also be interviewed to assess their need for systems within their unit.
9What makes the Air-Matt better than the others on the market?
Air-Matt has worked with our customers to continually make improvements and address early complaints among the legacy air-transfer products found in the marketplace. While all air-transfer systems use similar principles to perform a transfer, Air-Matt makes this easier at a better price. Our reusable mattresses can be both laundered and dried in the hospital laundry and contain unique infection control features not found on competing matts. They are RFID ready to accept your tracking system devices.
10Where in the hospital is the product used?
Air-Matt is used throughout the hospital. Whenever a patient needs to be moved from bed to gurney, gurney to x-ray, gurney to MRI, gurney to operating table and back to their bed, the Air-Matt can do so safely and comfortably without having to do any lifting. If a patient was to be admitted and you know that they will have to undergo some X-Ray procedures and surgery, it generally takes 8-10 lateral transfers to accomplish this. A single Air-Matt can eliminate the need for any lifting during all of these transfers.
11Does the patient feel as if they are going to roll off the mattress?
No, a transfer performed with Air-Matt is very comfortable and you feel cradled by the mattress as it inflates. Once it is fully inflated, it remains in a cradle shape so that the patient feels secure. Patient safety straps are also permanently attached to the mattress, and they buckle or Velcro together to provide additional peace of mind for the patient.
12Can you leave it inflated for a long time?
The Air-Matt is designed for short time operation and generally is powered on for just long enough to fully inflate and then make the transfer before being shut down. Leaving it on for an extended period will not damage the unit, but there would not be any reason to do so. A patient should never be left alone on an inflated mattress.
13The mattress feels like it’s getting warm, why is that?
Air warms up as it passes through the air supply and into the mattress. The air will become just slightly warmer than room temperature. It will not continue to increase in temperature, but it will remain warm. This actually has been regarded as a nice feature by some who have been on the Air-Matt because many times patients feel cold. All systems will have this same feel as a result of the air supply.
14How tight do we have to make the safety straps?
The patient safety straps should be left loose so that when the mattress inflates, they will not become restrictive.
15Will the mattress work in X-Ray?
Yes, the patient can remain on the Air-Matt during the procedure. Air-Matt transfer matts are radiolucent.
16Can it be used on the OR table?
Some hospitals perform surgery on the mattress and others elect to remove it during procedures. It will be the choice of the facility when deciding their policy and procedure.
17What if we lose power in the middle of a transfer?
A transfer only takes a few seconds, so if power is lost in the middle of a transfer, you should have enough air to complete the transfer. If power is lost prior to the transfer, simply let the mattress come to rest on the bed or gurney. If you have access to an outlet that is on emergency power, you can resume your transfer without interruption.
18Why are there two air inlets on the mattress?
There are two inlets so that you can select whichever side of the mattress is more convenient for you to connect the hose. The only time you may need both air inlets and two air supplies could be for patients who are bottoming out due to their body shape and or size.
19Is the mattress stitched or heat sealed?
Air-Matt is a stitched construction and not heat sealed, providing a more durable and functional system.
20Is there any Velcro or latex on the mattress?
There is no latex in Air-Matt transfer matts. Velcro is used on the hose connection located on the outer edge of the very bottom of the disposable mattress, and on certain models with extra features to secure the mattress to the bed, gurney or procedure table. Our reusable matts do not use Velcro.
21Can Air-Matt be used for repositioning?
Yes, Air-Matt can be used effectively as a repositioning aid. Once inflated, with the bed in a supine position, the patient can be moved around in the bed to a proper position. It is the only comfortable way to move someone with skin ulcers or the potential for skin tearing. It is also the most comfortable way to reposition or transfer someone with injury.
22Can the Air-Matt be used on low loss air mattress beds?
In general, the surface should be firm and not so porous that the air being exiting the Air-Matt is lost into the surface. If the surface is porous to air, a slip sheet can be placed on the surface to create a non-porous and smooth surface for the Air-Matt to slide on. Experimentation may be required on any specialty beds to confirm that the transfer completes as expected.
23Can we have one to trial for a few weeks?
Yes. When performing a trial, all staff operating the Air-Matt must be properly trained on the device's use. Air-Matt will support you with in-service training. Have staff fill out the short Air-Matt evaluation form. We will work with your team on the completion and collection of these essential feedback tools.
24How can we track the our Reusable Air-Matts so they don’t get lost?
Inadvertent loss is still the largest risk for your reusable transfer mattress. There are ways to label or tag the mattresses to help keep track of them. Laminated luggage tags or color coded tags can be attached to the mattress handle or RFID tags for asset tracking can be attached to prevent it from leaving a certain area in the hospital. Educating staff to recognize your Air-Matt as an item not to be disposed of is probably your most effective procedure.
25How does Air-Matt help improve patient and caregiver safety? Can it improve patient outcomes?
Every back injury prevented saves thousands of dollars in worker’s compensation claims, insurance and lost time related costs. Patient skin tears, discomfort and injury are also reduced as Air-Matt provides a safe and comfortable patient experience.

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